Lindsay Lee

Product Designer @ DoorDash crafting experiences that empower people, help them thrive at work, and live their best lives.
Previously @
, and others.
Retired digital marketer.
downward pointing emoji hand


Pick a story to get started.
Apple logo on a black background

Apple Business Essentials

I worked on Apple's first device management platform, empowering small businesses to easily setup devices with the apps and settings they need.
Screenshot of Fleetsmith Custom App page on a MacBook

Custom Apps for IT Admins

How I led the design of a feature allowing admins to remotely deploy custom applications to their organization.
Screenshot of Fleetsmith interface and modal

Getting to App Configurations

How I evolved our web app's core workflows to streamline confusing processes and better support companies at scale.

Designing a social e-commerce experience

Massdrop blends online communities and commerce. How I designed an intuitive shopping experience for new and existing users with 2 experiments.
Image featuring text: Design System and UI Kit

Building Massdrop's first design system

How I grew our design system and systematized design documentation for our small team of 2 designers + takeaways.
GIF of Massdrop's emoji interactions in iPhone mockups

Introducing emojis to discussions

In 2018, the CEO requested we bring emojis back. Here's how I did it and lessons learned along the way.
Image with 2 iPhones showing a user profile

Redesigning user profiles for a staffing app

How I partnered with gig workers to identify problems, unmet needs, and design ways to help them complete their profiles and book more jobs.
Image of a laptop displaying Vigilant's search interface

Improving Search for a procurement tool

Vigilant (now Illumis) was a public database monitoring web app. How I tailored Search for the needs of government procurement workers.
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